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Awash Insurance Achieved Other Round Record-Breaking Milestones in Ethiopia

Awash Insurance Achieved Other Round Record-Breaking Milestones in Eth...

Awash Insurance S.C. has solidified its leadership in Ethiopia’s private insuran...

Our Semi-Annual Performance Review Meeting Concluded with Inspiring Insights

Our Semi-Annual Performance Review Meeting Concluded with Inspiring In...

We are proud to announce the successful completion of our company’s Semi-Annual ...

Top-Performing Branches Honored at Semi-Annual Performance Review Meeting

Top-Performing Branches Honored at Semi-Annual Performance Review Meeting

In recognition of their exceptional contributions to the midyear success, the co...

Association of Ethiopian Insurers (AEI) Congratulates Our Company on 30th Anniversary

Association of Ethiopian Insurers (AEI) Congratulates Our Company on 3...

We are deeply honored to share that the Association of Ethiopian Insurers (AEI) ...

Grateful for ZEP-RE’s warm congratulations and trophy on our 30th anniversary!

Grateful for ZEP-RE’s warm congratulations and trophy on our 30th anni...

Grateful for ZEP-RE’s warm congratulations and trophy on our 30th anniversary! T...

Awash Insurance signed a partnership with Safaricom M-PESA to Enhance Digital Payment Solutions for Insurance Services

Awash Insurance signed a partnership with Safaricom M-PESA to Enhance ...

Awash Insurance signed a partnership with Safaricom M-PESA to Enhance Digital Pa...

አዋሽ ባንክና አዋሽ ኢንሹራንስ 30ኛ ዓመት የምሥረታ በዓል

አዋሽ ባንክና አዋሽ ኢንሹራንስ 30ኛ ዓመት የምሥረታ በዓል

አዋሽ ባንክና አዋሽ ኢንሹራንስ 30ኛ ዓመት የምሥረታ በዓል ዓብይ መርሃ-ግብር በስካይላይት ሆቴል ተካሄደ

30th anniversary of Awash Insurance and Bank! Happy Anniversary!

30th anniversary of Awash Insurance and Bank! Happy Anniversary!

Our branches are joyfully celebrating the 30th anniversary of Awash Insurance an...

አዋሽ ባንክና አዋሽ ኢንሹራንስ 30ኛ ዓመት የምሥረታ በዓላቸውን ማክበር ጀመሩ

አዋሽ ባንክና አዋሽ ኢንሹራንስ 30ኛ ዓመት የምሥረታ በዓላቸውን ማክበር ጀመሩ

አዋሽ ባንክና አዋሽ ኢንሹራንስ 30ኛ ዓመት የምሥረታ በዓላቸውን ማክበር ጀመሩ

30th Annual Ordinary and 12th Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

30th Annual Ordinary and 12th Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareho...

30th Annual Ordinary and 12th Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.